Residential Benefits

Benefits ~ Solving Endless Problems

Sanimax desacler will remove lime scale deposits while prolonging the life of…

  • • Piping system
  • • Dishwasher
  • • Washing Machine
  • • Faucets
  • • Sinks
  • • Humidifiers
  • • Water heater
  • • Tankless heaters
  • • Toilets
  • • Showerheads
  • • Coffee makers
  • • Radiant heating

Protect Your Appliances

  • Your appliances & fixtures that come in contact with hard water will operate much more efficiently and will have a prolonged life expectancy with sanimax desacler installed.

Tankless Water Heater Solution

  • The heat exchanger in tankless water heaters will foul up with scale deposits rapidly and will stop working. They require regular service calls to flush out the lime scale buildup.
